It’s starting to feel a touch like spring here in NW Montana. Yesterday’s snow has melted and the sun it out.  We’ve finished cutting aged cheese for this weekend’s Made in Montana show held in Helena and are excited to say that we will have all the aged cheeses except Hotshot available.  Also have our first curds of the year in Plain, Smoked and Garlic along with Notzarella and our fabulous Feta.

So, in Helena this weekend along with here at the Creamery we have:

Curds in Natural, Smoked or Garlic




Hoppin’ Mad

Wisp o’ Smoke


Big Chai


Creamery is open Monday through Saturday, 11-5 and the Made in MT show is open Friday, the 8th, from 9am-5pm for wholesale buyers and 9am-5pm on Saturday, the 9th, for the public.  We haven’t been since Covid shut the event down halfway through the weekend in 2020 and look forward to seeing old friends!  We are pretty much in the center of the hall in corner booth number 221.