While the good folks at Bigfork Web Design get the online ordering aspect completed, I thought I’d share what we’re offering this Holiday Season. We have 5 different cheeses to choose from that are suitable for shipping and they are:
Doorstop Gouda – aged 6-8 months, this is a drier satisfying cheese.
Hoppin’ Mad Gouda – infused with hops oil, this Gouda holds onto some of its moisture keeping the paste creamy with a wonderful finish.
Wisp o’Smoke Doorstop Gouda – our first attempt at smoking the whole rounds. Quite tasty with just a gentle hint of apple wood smoke.
Plan 9 – Tasting more like a baby Swiss than a Gouda, we think this was a great accident!
Plan 9 Smoked – Surprised to find it tasting like a baby Swiss, we were even more surprised to find how delightful it tastes smoked. Creamy and nutty.
Whole Rounds, Half Rounds, Quarter Rounds
OR 5 Piece Sampler boxes of Eighth or Quarter Rounds.
Cheeses are $/lb. Most shipping is a flat rate within the continental United States. Larger packages cost a little more as do boxes shipped to Alaska, Hawaii and outside the United States and can be calculated at time of purchase.
Each individual order over 3 pounds will receive a complementary Hawaiian Shirt with a FLC logo. They can also be purchased as gift wrapping for smaller cheese orders for $. Please call for size and color.
Drop a line or give us a call at 406.883.0343 for more information. Wendi
I bought some of your curds and feta from The Cottage in Polson last August. Yummy.
Where do you distribute your curds or other cheese in the Flathead Valley?
Beverly Lucke, Montana Bike Hostel
Our cheeses are available at Sykes Market and Mountain Valley Foods in Kalispell as well as Markus Foods in Whitefish at this time.
The curds are only here in Polson, though. The Cottage has moved to the corner of Hwy 93 and Main Street and you can get the curds there or here at the Creamery.
HI: I was very happy to see your add in the Mineral Idependent and to find that you will ship your cheese. Do you ship curds? My husband is a cheese curdaholic! Now it harder to get them in Missoula, now that the farmers market is over. Let me know if you ship them.
Thanks a bunch.
De Borgia, MT resident
Hi Naomi – we are shipping curds. We have to vaccume seal them and they still have a very short shelf life but we can get them to you.