Farmers Market update. OK, time to fess up. Before all this pandemic life change happened, we had decided to reduce our market schedual to a more manageable level and had planned on dropping Bigfork Village Market and Ronan Farmers Market. Now, I’m leaning more to participating. Not full time but we will be making appearances. To that end, here’s the update on how the 5 markets are progressing.
Kalispell FM started on schedual at the beginning of the month with limited vendors and, on that first day, we sold out! It was such a wonderful way to get back into the swing of the season (and put a tiny touch of normal, well, new normal back into our lives). It was great to see so many folks standing so far apart enjoying the market. Market runs from 9-12:30 in the south parking lot of FVCC.
Polson FM will be starting on the 15th, Friday, from 9-1pm, and, true to form, the weather is looking to be damp and grey. It will be limited to plants, produce and other food products (such as cheese) along with soap products and face masks. No temporary vendors at this time and they will add more of the permanent vendors as restrictions are lifted.
Ronan FM is starting this week too on Thursday, the 14th, 4-7pm, and the plan is to attend during the cooler weather months so I can confirm I’ll be there through June. For those who like to plan ahead, the market has also started an online store to streamline your purchases (and not miss out on that last head of lettuce or bag of garlic curds). Check it out. Hopefully, I will have figured out how to enter my stuff on it before you do!! Just realized, even if I’m not at the market that day, you’d still be able to pick up your cheese order since it’s done in advance. Cool.
Bigfork Village Market, another market we had planned on missing, will be soft opening on the 1st of June, Monday from 5-7:30. I’m committing to June on this one too.
Whitefish FM will be starting 2 weeks late, on Tuesday, the 9th of June from 5-7:30, and will also have the challenge of roadwork construction to contend with along with phased vendors.
We’ll be loaded down with all 5 flavors of curds, Notz, aged cheeses, Feta, facemasks, gloves and tons of air hugs. We so look forward to seeing everyone and what fashionable protection you’ll be sporting.
Stay healthy. Stay safe
AND, remember, cheese makes everything just a little bit better. Heck, who am I kidding, a Whole lot better!