Holy cow did this make me smile!

Woke this Tuesday morning to a delightful message from a customer who ordered our cheese for the first time. She got a sampler pack of 4 cheeses. This is her review. Finished the cheese I’m embarrassed to say.                                                     ...

Is that…… a Permanent Marker?!?

So what started out as a tiny innocent idea of creating a middle school style morning announcement report as a way to start each of our busy summer mornings has somehow found a way of transmogrifying itself into something, well, quite different. All are the first...

Farmer’s Markets Season 2016

Hard to believe we’ll be starting our 5th season of Farmer’s Markets in a scant two weeks. This shot is from our very first market, complete with nearly no identification (or really much of an idea of what we were getting ourselves into.) We had been...

Follow your cheeses

From well before we had a website, one of our goals was to blog about the process of each of the batches of cheese that we make. Those darned good intentions always seem to be put on the back burner while more pressing tasks (such as making the cheese, or cutting and...