by Flathead Lake Cheese | Jun 10, 2018 | Cheese Database
Ok, oh kay. Just a little behind in what I insisted was a vital part of the sharing process so, with good intentions, I’m starting back up on the adventure of a batch from dairy to finished. Or, at least what we have available now. Here we go. Unable to procure...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Sep 24, 2015 | Cheese Database
This August schedual is pretty rough and again finds Joe alone making cheese while I’m at the Polson Farmer’s Market. Happily though, curds and Notz are a faster make day than when you have to hoop the cheeses. There is a heavy pall of smoke in the air...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Sep 23, 2015 | Cheese Database
We are experiencing an onslaught of fires throughout the Pacific Northwest along with our area, hence this batch’s name. BUT, two days before the scent of the smoke was in the air, we made cheese. This was an especially memorable make for me as I got to tag...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Sep 22, 2015 | Cheese Database
Holy Cow (no pun intended) it’s been hot and we usually don’t start next year’s production this soon but, as it turns out, we’re already running out of Doorstop so it’s time to get ourselves in gear and start the process. Our summer...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Aug 19, 2015 | Cheese Database
From well before we had a website, one of our goals was to blog about the process of each of the batches of cheese that we make. Those darned good intentions always seem to be put on the back burner while more pressing tasks (such as making the cheese, or cutting and...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Dec 3, 2013 | Cheese Database
Coming soon!