Somehow we have managed to find a home for every piece of aged cheese we have leaving us busily making and replenishing the vault with loads of lactic treasures!
For now, ordering here on the site is going to be a little on the “nope” side. It’s probably going to be at least two months before we have anything ready to cut. Calling to see how things are going is always an option – 406-883-0343 – and we do have our fantastic feta (which we can’t mail) and versatile and every tasty curds and Notzarella (which we can mail – if the weather is cool). We’re here 10-5 Monday through Saturday Montana time.
Some of you may have gotten a test piece of our latest experiment. If you did, please be a thorough with your feedback as you can! If all goes as planned, we may have a new tasty treat to offer up next Summer.
For now, though, these two little cheesemakers will be taking the long weekend off to refresh, rejuvenate and eat lots of other folks’ cheese. No really, the drawer is full of all sorts of lovelies that need our attention. There might even be a tiny chunk of one of our own in there.
Happy New Years, dear ones. Thanks for supporting our tiny yellow Creamery by the Bay even if it’s only in reading these words and perusing the site. 2017 has a long year but bright shiny 2018 is right around the corner filled with new adventures, new friends and loads and loads of cheese!