It has been a quiet two months here at the Creamery (well, in the available aged cheese department only – just a quick side rant…..where did all these receipts come from!!!….OK… I’m back) and I am more than a little excited to share that we have started cutting aged cheeses again. To be specific – Doorstop, Wisp o’ Smoke, Buckshot and a young subtle Hoppin’ Mad. For those of us who were fortunate enough to enjoy last seasons two year old Hoppin’ Mad (the taste is still with me), this is far more delicate but no less fantastic. The Doorstop is extra crystalline and beautiful. There are only 12 wheels of this lovely batch so it will probably be gone by mid March.
Next to check is the Big Chai so hoping that one will be ready as well. (Snuck the whole roll of labels in to the cheesy photo shoot just to represent.) I’ve also gone a little nuts with stickers and just arrived coasters. If you haven’t come across Sticker Mule yet, check them out.
The cheese market page is a little more inviting again so you can order here, email me with questions or just a give me a call – 406-883-0343 and we’ll talk cheese.
If you’re in the Spokane area, stop by and say howdy at the Jim Custer Arts & Crafts show the first weekend of March. Second weekend will find us in Helena at the Made in MT Show at the Lewis & Clark Fairgrounds. Both shows are worth a visit.
Still working on a calendar program that is my level user friendly so keep an eye here (or sign up for the occasional newsletter) for events and such. If you know of a program, I’m SO open for suggestions, BTW!
Gotta go – Joe is the cutter, bagger, vacuum sealer and I’m off to label. A cheese slaves work is never done! Cheers, Wendi