by Flathead Lake Cheese | Jun 26, 2022 | News
What’s going on with those cheese people – 26Jun-2Jul Somehow we’ve zoomed through June and Independence Day will soon be upon us! Time to find the bunting and get ready for the Open House! Here’s the schedule for the 4th of July Weekend- Friday, 1Jul 2-5...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Nov 22, 2021 | News
If you didn’t notice, I fell off the weekly updates wagon. With the end of the farmers markets, we went straight into full production and are on our way to filling up the vault for next summer! We are fast becoming tired little cheese makers and plan on...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Jun 14, 2021 | News
“What’s going on with those cheese people?” Cheeses: Curds – We’ve got all 5 flavors Notzarella Feta Doorstop Wisp o’ Smoke Hoppin’ Mad Buckshot Galiki. Markets: Tuesday, Whitefish Farmers Market 5-7:30 by the train station. Thursday, Ronan...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | May 31, 2021 | News
“What’s going on with those cheese people?” Cheeses: Curds – natural, smoked, garlic, wasabi and jalapeno BUT will run out of the natural before the end of the week. Notzarella -5 pieces left as of this writing. Feta Doorstop Wisp o’ Smoke...
by Flathead Lake Cheese | Jun 10, 2018 | News
Woo Hoo! We have survived May and, already well into June, we seem to be getting the hang of all the new Markets we’re attending. With two weeks of our full 6 market schedual, plus a cheese make behind us, we are really testing our stamina! Last Monday morning...